
添加1字节 、​ 2021年7月19日 (星期一)
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 历史学者孙万国认为这种对习近平的个人崇拜相当集权独裁,要求意识形态上的忠诚:宣传部门塑造习近平反西方、对欧美普世价值不屑一顾、以恐惧来统治、打压持不同政见者、以及对媒体、教育及文化收紧控制,是在走毛泽东崇拜的回头路。而一些西方国家的民间也认为习近平修宪取消连任限制是在“开历史倒车”。<ref name="Wen2016">{{cite news|author=Philip Wen|title=China's Great Leap Backwards: Xi Jinping and the cult of Mao|url=http://www.smh.com.au/world/chinas-great-leap-backwards-xi-jinping-and-the-cult-of-mao-20160512-gotfiz.html|date=2016-05-15|newspaper=Sydney Morning Herald|language=en|quote=But perhaps the most stunning characteristic shared with Mao has been a growing personality cult around Xi fanned by the central propaganda department, which has produced some jarring results: newspaper front-pages dominated by Xi's every move, saccharine music videos professing love and loyalty to the leader."It does harken back to Mao, this personality cult, the concentration of power by casting aside the collective leadership … now his style is quite dictatorial, demanding loyalty ideologically," says Sun, the historian. "He's anti-Western, dismissive of universal values and he also rules by fear, in the form of the anti-corrupt campaigns and cracking down on dissent and tightening the control on media, education, culture – all this does harken back to Mao's practice."|access-date=2019-01-01|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190102002112/https://www.smh.com.au/world/chinas-great-leap-backwards-xi-jinping-and-the-cult-of-mao-20160512-gotfiz.html|archive-date=2019-01-02|dead-url=no}}</ref>
 历史学者孙万国认为这种对习近平的个人崇拜相当集权独裁,要求意识形态上的忠诚:宣传部门塑造习近平反西方、对欧美普世价值不屑一顾、以恐惧来统治、打压持不同政见者、以及对媒体、教育及文化收紧控制,是在走毛泽东崇拜的回头路。而一些西方国家的民间也认为习近平修宪取消连任限制是在“开历史倒车”。<ref name="Wen2016">{{cite news|author=Philip Wen|title=China's Great Leap Backwards: Xi Jinping and the cult of Mao|url=http://www.smh.com.au/world/chinas-great-leap-backwards-xi-jinping-and-the-cult-of-mao-20160512-gotfiz.html|date=2016-05-15|newspaper=Sydney Morning Herald|language=en|quote=But perhaps the most stunning characteristic shared with Mao has been a growing personality cult around Xi fanned by the central propaganda department, which has produced some jarring results: newspaper front-pages dominated by Xi's every move, saccharine music videos professing love and loyalty to the leader."It does harken back to Mao, this personality cult, the concentration of power by casting aside the collective leadership … now his style is quite dictatorial, demanding loyalty ideologically," says Sun, the historian. "He's anti-Western, dismissive of universal values and he also rules by fear, in the form of the anti-corrupt campaigns and cracking down on dissent and tightening the control on media, education, culture – all this does harken back to Mao's practice."|access-date=2019-01-01|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190102002112/https://www.smh.com.au/world/chinas-great-leap-backwards-xi-jinping-and-the-cult-of-mao-20160512-gotfiz.html|archive-date=2019-01-02|dead-url=no}}</ref>
