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Akmal Shaikh
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Akmal Shaikh
Full-face portrait of a man of Indo-Pakistan ethnicity
Born 5 April 1956[1]
Died 29 December 2009 (aged 53)[2]
Ürümqi, Xinjiang, China[3]
Cause of death Execution by lethal injection[4]
Nationality British
Citizenship British
Occupation Former estate agent/mini-cab businessman
Criminal status Executed on 29 December 2009 [2]
Children Three sons, two daughters
Conviction(s) Drug trafficking
Criminal charge Drug trafficking
Penalty Death
Akmal Shaikh (5 April 1956 – 29 December 2009) was a Pakistani-British businessman who was convicted and executed in China for illegally trafficking approximately 4kg[5] of heroin. The trial and execution attracted significant media attention in the UK.
Shaikh was born in Pakistan and moved to the United Kingdom as a child. After a couple of failed businesses, Shaikh moved to Poland with his second wife in 2005 with the dream of starting an airline, and later of becoming a pop star. He travelled from Poland to China and was arrested by Chinese customs officers at Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport on 12 September 2007 with 4 kilograms (8.818 lb) of heroin hidden in a compartment in his baggage. Shaikh's defence team pleaded ignorance of the existence of the drugs, although his lawyers said that the evidence against Shaikh was "overwhelming".[6] Reprieve, an anti-death penalty organisation, argued that Shaikh suffered from mental illness which was exploited by criminals who tricked him into transporting the heroin on the promise of a recording contract.[7]
Shaikh, who had never been assessed by mental health experts, denied he was mentally ill. He had requested a psychiatric evaluation to prove he was sane, but the requests were refused by Chinese authorities on the grounds that PRC laws required defendants to first provide past medical records showing evidence of a mental disorder before such evaluations could be undertaken.[8] Appeals for clemency were made by his family and by British government officials. After two appeals, the Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence he was given at his first trial in October 2008, and Shaikh was executed by lethal injection in Ürümqi on 29 December 2009.[2] It was reported that Shaikh was the first European national to be executed in China since Antonio Riva in 1951.[9][10][11] Lau Fat-wai, a Portuguese citizen, also faced drug trafficking charges back in 2006, before Akmal Shaikh, but Mr. Lau's death sentence was only carried out early in 2013.[12]
Britain made 27 official representations to the Chinese government; the Chinese ambassador to London was summoned twice to meet British Foreign Office ministers, once after the execution.[13][14] Senior British politicians strongly condemned the execution, and were disappointed that clemency was not granted,[15] while human rights groups and some Western legal experts in Chinese law criticised the lack of due process; United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston said the refusal to assess Shaikh's mental health was a violation of international law.[16] The Chinese embassy in Britain said Shaikh had no "previous medical record" of mental illness and that his "rights and interests were properly respected and guaranteed". It said the Chinese stance underlined the "strong resentment" felt by its public to drug traffickers, in part based on "the bitter memory of history" – a reference to the First and Second Opium Wars.[17] A professor of criminal law at the East China University of Political Science and Law said the administration of the death penalty related to a country's history, culture and other conditions: "It's human nature to plead for a criminal who is from the same country or the same family, but judicial independence should be fully respected and everyone should be equal before the law."[18]
1 傳記
2 販毒,審判和執行
3 克萊門特運動
4 反應
4.1 聯合王國
4.2 中華人民共和國
4.2.1 官方觀點
4.2.2 其他觀點
4.3 國際反應
5 另見
6 參考文獻
7 注意事項
謝赫,一名穆斯林,是童年時期與父母一起前往英國的巴基斯坦移民。[19]他的第一任妻子在結婚時已從印度教轉為伊斯蘭教; 他們有兩個兒子和一個女兒。在20世紀80年代,Shaikh是美國的房地產經紀人。當業務陷入困境時,他們搬回了倫敦。然後,他在肯特鎮開辦了一家名為“Teksi” 的小型出租車公司,該公司已經繁榮了一段時間。即便如此,他還是在20世紀90年代破產了兩年多。[20]
2003年,謝赫性騷擾和不公正解僱的 24歲的女職工; 他也沒有支付超過一半的工資。2004年,就業法庭判給她10,255.97 英鎊的賠償金和未支付的工資,這筆費用隨後從未支付。[20] [21] Shaikh和他的兒子Abdul-Jabbar都未能參加有關騷擾案的法庭聽證會,並將業務出售給另一家小型公司。[21]謝赫的第一次婚姻於2004年以離婚告終。[20]
他娶了他的波蘭秘書 - 後來懷上了他的孩子[6] [20]  - 並於2005年永久移居波蘭,[22]據報導他有野心創辦一家航空公司。自2004年秋季以來,他經常去盧布林。[23]在2005年7月7日的倫敦爆炸事件發生後,謝赫向倫敦的兩個人發了短信說:“現在每個人都會明白穆斯林是誰,聖戰是什麼,”因此被英國情報部門和波蘭內部安全局調查為恐怖嫌犯五個月。[24] [25] 2005年12月,由於證據不足,MI5調查已經停止。
據“ 每日郵報”報導,他的波蘭妻子說,當他最終在波蘭定居時,他開始以一種“非常愚蠢和瘋狂的方式”行事。雖然他們有第二個孩子,一個女兒,婚姻破裂,他變得無家可歸。[20] 2006年,當時他的前妻再婚並與新丈夫生了另一個孩子,[20]謝赫的前妻向波蘭警察報告他對她和她的孩子採取威脅行為; 她後來撤回了她的陳述,案件從未上過庭。[24]2006年,他被一家波蘭法院判處一年監禁(緩刑四年),因酒後駕車被禁,並禁止駕駛三年。2007年,盧布林法院因不支付贍養費而被通緝。[23]
2007年,他參加了波蘭總理華沙辦事處以外的護士長達一個月的示威遊行,[26]並會見了英國音樂家Gareth Saunders,根據Shaikh的貧困人口,生活在講義中並在湯廚房吃飯。[6]中國媒體報導說,桑克斯告訴桑德斯,他們在波蘭開始了他們的生意,然後他們見面了,但是由於對他的陰謀,他被迫放棄了。[6] Shaikh寫了一首歌,“Come Little Rabbit”,[a] Saunders說Shaikh糾纏他和英國同胞Paul Newberry錄音。緩刑這是一個反對死刑的組織,他在中國被捕後競選釋放。它引用了桑德斯和紐伯里的話說,謝赫沒有音樂天賦,似乎也在接受關於明星的妄想觀念。據報導紐伯里說:“我無法想像有人唱得比他錄音時更糟糕,我們告訴他,但是他的聲音如此高,相信他會受到重創......我們告訴他他是瘋了,這是我們聽過的最糟糕的事情,但他只是嘲笑我們的臉,並重申它會是巨大的。“ [26]這首“失調”歌曲的錄音,其歌詞包括副歌“只有一個世界,只有一個人,只有一個上帝”,由Reprieve釋放,以提高他們拯救他的運動的意識。[27]
緩刑說,謝赫在2007年的某個時候在波蘭遇到一位名叫“卡洛斯”的人,他認為他在音樂界有過接觸,可以幫助他成名; [19] Shaikh前往吉爾吉斯斯坦,一名名叫“Okole”的男子向Shaikh承諾有機會在據稱擁有的中國“大型夜總會”演出。“Okole”和Shaikh一起前往中國,在塔吉克斯坦停留,他們住在一家五星級酒店。[19] [22] 2007年9月12日,謝赫從飛杜尚別,塔吉克斯坦,到烏魯木齊在中國西北部。[28]謝赫聲稱他被告知他必須獨自前往中國,因為航班已經滿員; 據稱“Okole”給了他一個攜帶的行李箱,並承諾他會乘坐下一班航班。[22] Shaikh 當天抵達烏魯木齊機場時被捕,當時行李搜查顯示他攜帶4公斤(9磅)純度為84.2%的海洛因 ; [29]在謝赫的緊張和謹慎行為的警告下,海關人員搜查並發現毒品隱藏在他的案件的一個隔間內,這個隔間“實際上是空的”,但只有幾件衣服; 他的人只有100美元和100 元人民幣。[6]Reprieve說Shaikh聲稱行李箱不是他的; 他與中國當局合作,企圖抓住“Okole”,他本應該乘坐下一架飛機抵達,但從未出現過。[22]據英國媒體報導,英國政府近一年後被告知被捕。[20] [30]
初審 - 2007年11月
烏魯木齊法律援助中心主任陳東被任命為Shaikh的代表,Shaikh於2007年11月受審。辯方告訴法庭,Shaikh對這些毒品一無所知,並且他沒有故意走私麻醉品。[6]謝赫被判有罪。[31] 2008年10月29日,在兩次上訴失敗後,他被烏魯木齊中級人民法院判處死刑,根據中國刑法典中規定,對50克以上的走私海洛因規定了死刑( 2盎司)。在最高人民法院驗證的句子按照第48條和中國刑法的347之中。[32] 展望 該判決於2008年10月公佈。[33]
二審 - 2009年5月
他的案件於2009年5月26日在第二次案件中被審理。[31]在他的第二次審判中,Reprieve說Shaikh為自己辯護,持續50分鐘的“漫無邊際且經常語無倫次”的演講,“受到了法庭的懷疑和歡迎官員“。[34]根據三聯生活周刊在第二次審判中代表謝赫的兩位律師之一曹洪先生說,關鍵的辯護理由是謝赫無視他所運輸的毒品。曹某說,官方文件,行李檢查報告中的逮捕記錄,以及行李托運過程中拍攝的照片和錄像片段都是“壓倒性地反對謝赫”; 他沒有在法庭上播放一些錄製的視頻片段,因為它過於有罪。[6] Cao建議Shaikh接受心理評估,他最初拒絕,並認為他沒有精神病。在他的律師的堅持下,他發表了一份聲明,要求進行評估以證明他在精神上是合理的,但也說他和他的家人都沒有任何精神病史。[6]
最高人民法院裁定,英國駐北京大使館提供的文件和緩刑支持精神病評估申請並不能證明謝赫有精神疾病; 家裡也沒有精神病史。[32]他的律師Cao證實,他從Reprieve收到的文件包含“關於雙相情感障礙的醫療信息,以及一系列症狀和案例研究”,這些信息並非特定於Shaikh。[6]根據紐約大學法學院名譽教授杰羅姆·科恩教授的說法,謝赫11月的審判持續了半個小時; 他還說,初審法院最初同意允許對Shaikh進行精神病評估,但後來拒絕了。[31]新華社指出,法院拒絕進行心理評估的決定是基於中國法律要求被告在進行此類評估之前首先提供顯示精神障礙證據的過往醫療記錄。[8]新華社還報導了最高人民法院的觀點,即英國大使館提供的醫療記錄中沒有任何文件證據證明謝赫的病情。[8] [35]雖然中國當局聲稱他在審判期間獲得了解釋, [36] “衛報”聲稱沒有; [37]和外交大臣,米利班德太過暗示解釋可能不充分。[38]
執行 - 2009年12月
謝赫被執行注射死刑在10:30 CST(02:30 GMT),於2009年12月29日在西山看守所在烏魯木齊。[2] [4]家庭成員和英國領事官員在最後時間被中國當局拒絕接觸謝赫,並且不被允許目擊。[37]根據Reprieve,Shaikh是50多年來在中國被處決的歐盟成員國的第一個國民。[10]官員們說 ,根據他的家人的意願,他在Guslay穆斯林公墓被給予穆斯林葬禮 - 他的身體完好無損; 他的家人不被允許參加。[42]
3 Clemency活動
代表他的活動家擔心明顯缺乏適當的法律程序。[43]他們沒有否認,他攜帶了大量的海洛因,[44]但他認為對於謝赫的基礎上他們的主張的發布,他在犯罪時患有精神病[19]說,法院並在審判期間不考慮他的情況。[44]案件得到大赦國際的支持; [45]和聯合國法外處決問題特別報告員,菲利普·奧爾斯頓,誰說,有“強烈的跡象”規定,謝赫可能已經患有精神疾病。[46]他還說:“中國和國際法都明確規定,在患有重大精神疾病的情況下犯罪的人不應該被判處死刑,” [47]並且“[e]執行精神病患者會對中國來說是一個倒退。“ [46]
他的家人在離開波蘭時與他失去聯繫,[48]也請求憐憫:在給中國大使的一封信中,他的哥哥阿克巴爾寫道,他哥哥的生命已被精神疾病摧毀; 阿克巴堅持認為,謝赫在健康時是善良無害的,並且深受家人的喜愛。他擔心他的處決會對他們的母親產生影響:“她是一個體弱的女人,我們的家人無法向她宣傳她下周可能會失去最小的孩子。” [46]阿克馬爾的孩子說他們的父親“大部分時間都病得很重”,並請求緩刑。[49]
至少自2001年以來,緩刑和他的家人都引用了謝赫的“不穩定的行為”和“可疑的決定”的例子。緩刑採訪了與他打交道以支持他可能患有雙相情感障礙的人。[19] 斯蒂芬弗萊是一位加入寬恕運動的名人。[30] Reprieve還發布了數百封Shaikh在2007年向華沙大使館工作人員以及包括Tony Blair在內的74個人和組織發送的電子郵件。[30]活動家們認為,謝赫的流行明星的妄想是他的狀況的症狀,並且可能使他特別容易受到信任欺騙。[19]Akmal的前律師稱他的客戶“迷人且有魅力”,[30]並且說他的客戶最近在2003年才理智。[20]律師說:“當他去波蘭時,你甚至不能坐下來和他談談。“ [30]然而,Shaikh從未被英國或其他地方的精神科醫生評估過。[22]
由Reprieve聘請的臨床和法醫心理學家Peter Schaapveld博士被送往中國,但不允許直接進入Shaikh。[50]然而,通過15分鐘訪問外交部官員採訪Shaikh,Schaapveld博士說他能夠“99%確定地”推斷Shaikh患有精神疾病,可能是雙相情感障礙或精神分裂症。[14]在南華早報的一篇專欄文章中,杰羅姆·科恩教授認為,中國未能遵守自己和國際法律標準,這些標準要求在做出最終判決之前對謝赫進行徹底的心理評估。[31]
“ 中國日報”說:“當他們失去控制權時,智力挑戰的人會做很多莫名其妙的事情......但我們很少聽說一個精神病患者在他的雙層手提箱裡躲藏了多達4公斤的海洛因。” [51]它補充說“法院沒有理由不考慮原告所謂的精神疾病,如果他在監獄期間有任何跡象表明患有這種疾病。” 它進一步斷言,他的家人的要求與Shaikh本人[51]相矛盾,他否認有精神障礙病史。[6] [51] [52]復旦大學刑法學教授王明亮華東政法大學刑法學教授薛金佔教授表示,“中國法院決定執行Akmal Shaikh是完全合適的...... [並且]否認心理評估是合法和一致的有法律先例“。[53]薛金湛說,死刑管理涉及一個國家的歷史,文化和其他條件:“為來自同一國家或同一家庭的罪犯辯護是人性,但司法獨立應該得到充分尊重在法律面前人人平等“; [18]王說英國媒體報導情緒故事,當地人民對悲傷或憤怒作出反應,因為英國沒有保留死刑,這是可以理解的。“但是,一個國家應尊重另一個國家的司法獨立,不得乾涉內政。” [18]
當他的表兄Soohail和Nasir Shaikh在執行前一天抵達烏魯木齊與他一起在烏魯木齊的醫院度過時,他們還向當地法院請求最後一刻請求暫停執行; 他們和英國大使館官員向胡錦濤主席請求憐憫。[55]正是在這次訪問期間,Akmal被告知他即將去世。[41]
人權組織譴責中國拒絕將謝赫所謂的心理疾病視為拒絕司法。[16]然而,一些英國評論員在很大程度上同情中國強硬反對走私毒品的行為,如果不支持,並接受英國政府無能為力; 鑑於該國自身的毒品問題,一些人指責英國領導人虛偽。[36]兩個英國小報(在魯珀特·默多克和三位一體鏡子的控制下)支持執行。[56] [57]
中國當局憤怒地對“外國干涉”作出了反應,並引用了中國在外國帝國主義下的“痛苦記憶”; [17]並強調已遵守保護被告的所有法律程序。中國公眾被認為絕大多數都支持執行,並且通過支持其在英國報刊上的行動進一步證明了這一點。[58]
死緩,其安裝他的競選團表示,他們已經對新的證據,並從誰知道阿克毛在波蘭,他們在最後24小時,這對中國政府沒有承認接收在執行的時候收到了六人推薦過。他們的法律總監莎莉羅恩說,任何關於“特殊待遇”的言論都是“荒謬的” - 因為中國法律規定保護患有精神疾病的人,但他們選擇不援引他們。羅恩譴責一個不稱職的人被處決為“野蠻”。其他心理健康慈善機構也反映了這種情緒。[44]
謝赫的家人對處決感到悲傷,但對於英國機構是否已盡其所能確保人道主義待遇感到不滿。Shaikh的堂兄Soohail和Nasir Shaikh讚揚了Gordon Brown,英國部長和Reprieve的努力。另外兩名堂兄,Amina和Ridwan Shaikh,在給衛報的嚴厲信中襲擊了政府和媒體,質疑政府方法的有效性。他們批評“零星的媒體關注”關於他們堂兄兩年的困境,並指責政府在面對中國的經濟實力時表現出無能為力。[59]
執行後,英國媒體有一系列觀點,其中一些人同意政治領導人戈登·布朗,大衛·米利班德和大衛·卡梅倫的觀點,他們表示擔心沒有進行心理健康評估,並且沒有批准寬恕要求; [15] [16] [38]其他人批評英國政府的反應; 有些人相當中立。在誰支持英國政府的立場,記者們多米尼克·齊格勒,作者經濟學 “ S於亞洲事務榕樹列,[60]誰認為這個問題引起了在司法程序中有效使用被告保護的問題; [39]和丹尼爾·科斯基,誰寫的觀眾,他覺得中國是“一個復仇的力量”求地位和西方世界的權利,但不是責任[61] - 展望雜誌舉行了類似的意見,中國當局希望“挺身而出”,並向中國人民表明他們“正朝著正確的方向發展”。[33]
“獨立報”的一篇社論指出,其他一些亞洲國家對毒品走私判處死刑,並評論說,執行“不再是崛起中的囂張氣焰,而是中國在更廣闊的世界中仍然存在的證據”。[62] 喬治·沃爾登在“泰晤士報”上寫道,他覺得如果英國政府更加謹慎,謝赫可能會受到寬恕,並且“如果我們希望影響中國的死刑,那麼可能會有一點歷史謙遜” [63] ]英國政府的反應的關鍵英國評論員的約瑟芬·麥克德莫特每日電訊報他將1839年第一次鴉片戰爭期間政府對“英國態度”的“劍拔弩張”方法進行了比較; [64] 邁克爾·懷特的監護人,誰認為中國將不會有興趣“的講座從歐洲人對毒品貿易的道德”,[36]和萊奧·麥金斯特里的的每日郵報,誰說,國際上所謂譴責中國是“虛偽和麻木不仁”。[36] [65]麥金斯特里宣布支持處決,並譴責英國對毒品的弱勢立場及其對毒品使用的“制度化容忍”。[65]在每日郵報的討論中網站,參與者絕大多數贊成執行。[39] [58]其他受歡迎的小報是一致的:喬恩·岡特的太陽批評英國政界和嚴重誇大了的情況下,媒體和聯繫政府與反應工黨在移民和犯罪的“軟”的立場。[56] “ 每日鏡報”的托尼·帕森斯支持中國對毒品販賣的強烈立場,並表示英國政府的反應“令人難以置信”。[57] “世界新聞報”的安娜史密斯評論說毒品走私犯是通過注射毒品來諷刺的,並且認為公眾並不真正關心“毒品走私者的人權”。[66]
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu said, "Nobody has the right to speak ill of China's judicial sovereignty. We express our strong dissatisfaction and opposition to the British Government's unreasonable criticism of the case. We urge the British to correct their mistake in order to avoid harming China–UK relations."[15] The Chinese Embassy in London said "The legal structures of China and UK may be different, but it should not stand in the way of enhancing our bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect."[15] Further, the Embassy cited "the bitter memory" of the Opium trade of the 19th century as a reason for the "strong resentment" felt by the Chinese public to drug traffickers and foreign (especially British) interference.[17] A biannual summit session between China and the UK on human rights scheduled for early January was "postponed" by China in what The Daily Telegraph said was "widely thought to be a rebuke to the UK for its public criticism of China over the execution of Akmal Shaikh".[67]
4.2.2 Other views
The majority of people supported Shaikh's execution. A online survey by China Daily showed 77.5% in favour of the execution and 16% opposing.[68] The Global Times said that China's death penalty has strong public support and that it acts as a deterrent to serious crime. It observed the fact that Shaikh is the first European to be executed in China in 50 years is highly emotive and sensational: "But viewed in context, the uniform application of sentencing standards for both the Chinese and foreigners underscores the progress of China's legal system, which is steadily building the principle of rule of law."[69] Vocal supporters included overseas Chinese, legal specialists, government officials as well as journalists.[70] A professor at the Shanghai Institute for European Studies accused Labour politicians of trying to capitalise on the issue of China's human rights for political advantage in the upcoming election. An academic at Fudan University said the British criticism lacked legal and moral basis; their reaction was "unreasonable" and showed "considerable cultural arrogance";[18][71] another one at Tsinghua University considered the British politicians' reaction an attempt to "create sentiments and manipulate the public". Wang Dawei, a professor at China People's Public Security University, said that Britain and China should respect each other's differences in ideology and moral standards, rather than "using their own moral standards to judge, condemn and demonise China."[58] Citing polls and comments on websites of British press, the Chinese media also reported how politicians' outcry was "unrepresentative" of the vast majority of Britons' understanding of and support for China's action.[58]
In an editorial published by China Daily, Han Dongping, Professor of History and Political Science at Warren Wilson College, hailed the execution, saying that the decision "upheld the dignity of Chinese law."[72] He suggested that to act otherwise as a result of international pressure would be a return to the extraterritorial privileges that had been granted to many foreign nationals in China in the latter half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century pursuant to the "unequal treaties".[72][73] Han said that a nation bending its laws under outside pressure "invites endless troubles in the future", leading to a lack of respect for the laws of that country, and dismissed the criticism of China's human rights record by Western governments as "an excuse to intervene in China’s internal affairs".[72]
4.3 International reaction
Some public organisations and individual experts media were critical of the judicial process. The United Nations Special Rapporteur, Philip Alston, a human rights spokesman, felt that the brevity of the initial conviction might not have allowed due process,[15] and that not assessing Shaikh's mental health was "in violation not only of Chinese law but also international law."[16] The European Union condemned the execution and regretted that its calls for the sentence to be commuted had not been heeded.[15] Amnesty International felt the execution highlighted the injustice of the death penalty, particularly in China, and called on all countries to press the Chinese government to improve the legal proceedings for defendants, especially those facing the death penalty.[16] Jerome Cohen, an expert in Chinese law,[74] commented in the US-Asia Law Institute that the main legal issue was the refusal of a psychiatric examination, and that China may review its judicial process in this regard both in light of international criticism, and internal pressure as the country "shares the world’s abhorrence of punishing mentally irresponsible people" and after the execution of Yang Jia, who was also refused a psychiatric examination, the public sympathy prompted "some Chinese experts to seek necessary law reforms".[75]
Reaction from the international media was broadly critical of the authorities, with Der Spiegel summarising German commentators as being universally critical of Beijing.[76] Newsweek felt that the Chinese authorities had consolidated their position domestically by giving the impression to Chinese citizens that the government will "protect them the best way it knows how from the mentally unstable, whether they are carrying machetes or suitcases full of drugs",[73] and Ireland's Sunday Independent felt that the West was being hypocritical for overlooking other human rights concerns in China while enjoying the Beijing Olympics.[77]
5 See also
China–United Kingdom relations
Illegal drug trade in China
High-profile cases of people executed in Asia for drug trafficking
Van Tuong Nguyen
Barlow and Chambers
Michael McAuliffe
6 References
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"Vermont Law School – Jerome Cohen, Noted Expert on Chinese Legal System, To Deliver 2008 Sterry R. Waterman Lecture at VLS". Archived from the original on 9 June 2011. Retrieved 19 March 2010.
Cohen, Jerome A. (4 January 2010) "Will Akmal Shaikh’s Execution Spur China’s Criminal Justice Reform?", US Asialaw Institute, NYU
Lindsey, Daryl (30 December 2009), The World from Berlin – "Execution Underscores 'China's Contempt for the West" Der Spiegel
O'Hanlon, Eilis (3 January 2010), "Western cant at China beggars belief", Sunday Independent
7 Notes
^[a] "Come Little Rabbit" – video of the song which Reprieve says was recorded by Akmal Shaikh (on
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2019年1月21日 (一) 10:06的版本



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