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(文本替换 - 替换“ {{政治}}”为“ {{政治}}”)
第271行: 第271行:
| Saṃsāra(风水轮流转)
| Saṃsāra(风水轮流转)
| MCPC won the election, and you didn't.(赢了选举的是毛主义共产党,而不是你)
| MCPC won the election, and you didn't.(赢了选举的是毛主义共产党,而不是你)
| [[File:1f464995cb0966a5c96bc5a8f05f3006a723a411.jpg]]
| [[File:1f464995cb0966a5c96bc5a8f05f3006a723a411.jpg]]
| One billion(人多力量大)
| One billion(人多力量大)
| Get population of 1 billion people before 1980(在1980年到达十亿人口)
| Get population of 1 billion people before 1980(在1980年到达十亿人口)
| [[File:894632767c6e3265292c47e6710b5a531ef3d513.jpg]]
| [[File:894632767c6e3265292c47e6710b5a531ef3d513.jpg]]
| Opening to the world(向世界打开大门)
| Opening to the world(向世界打开大门)
| With you in charge, I'm at ease(您办事,我放心)
| With you in charge, I'm at ease(您办事,我放心)
| [[File:2092d14a53767c6ef7bc96ec3c33d588615c4b91.jpg]]
| [[File:2092d14a53767c6ef7bc96ec3c33d588615c4b91.jpg]]
| Dare to Think, Dare to Act!(敢想,也敢做!)
| Dare to Think, Dare to Act!(敢想,也敢做!)
| Bring back Hong Kong, Macao and the coastal Islands by force.(用武力收回香港,澳门和附属岛屿)
| Bring back Hong Kong, Macao and the coastal Islands by force.(用武力收回香港,澳门和附属岛屿)
| [[File:Cc69d2cc97dca278f8d3b4a89f9e7369f660f0f4.jpg]]
| [[File:Cc69d2cc97dca278f8d3b4a89f9e7369f660f0f4.jpg]]
| To rebel is justified(造反有理!)
| To rebel is justified(造反有理!)
| Bury Mao in the mausoleum and debunk his cult of personality just as Khrushchev did with Stalin.(像赫鲁晓夫对斯大林的批判那样,将毛泽东葬在陵墓中并揭穿他的个人崇拜。)
| Bury Mao in the mausoleum and debunk his cult of personality just as Khrushchev did with Stalin.(像赫鲁晓夫对斯大林的批判那样,将毛泽东葬在陵墓中并揭穿他的个人崇拜。)
| [[File:1cacec5f958b09967a3dd21cc61db37bcdeaf421.jpg]]
| [[File:1cacec5f958b09967a3dd21cc61db37bcdeaf421.jpg]]
| Dream of Confucius(孔夫子的梦)
| Dream of Confucius(孔夫子的梦)
| Xiaokang society is achieved(实现全面小康)
| Xiaokang society is achieved(实现全面小康)
| [[File:88728bfdb90a1cd438b2a9726ce1205bae6b8643.jpg]]
| [[File:88728bfdb90a1cd438b2a9726ce1205bae6b8643.jpg]]
第301行: 第313行:
| A.T.O.M.(核爆)
| A.T.O.M.(核爆)
| 向美帝国主义者发射核弹!
| 向美帝国主义者发射核弹!
| [[File:21193f1feaa9f1de02c693ebed542f79b825162f.jpg]]
| [[File:21193f1feaa9f1de02c693ebed542f79b825162f.jpg]]
| Stronger than ever before(比以前啥时候都强)
| Stronger than ever before(比以前啥时候都强)
第311行: 第325行:
| Superpower(超级大国)
| Superpower(超级大国)
| China is the most influential power in the world!(中国是世界上影响力最大的国家!)
| China is the most influential power in the world!(中国是世界上影响力最大的国家!)
第316行: 第331行:
| Peacemaker(维和者)
| Peacemaker(维和者)
| Territorial dispute with India has settled(解决中印边境冲突)
| Territorial dispute with India has settled(解决中印边境冲突)
第321行: 第337行:
| Third Force(第三世界国家)
| Third Force(第三世界国家)
| By the end of the game, China's global influence is more than 40.(在游戏结束时,中国的全球影响力超过40)
| By the end of the game, China's global influence is more than 40.(在游戏结束时,中国的全球影响力超过40)
第338行: 第355行:
| Nothing will separate us!(“[[zhwiki:一边倒|一边倒]]”政策)
| Nothing will separate us!(“[[zhwiki:一边倒|一边倒]]”政策)
| Restore relations with the USSR by entering the Warsaw Pact and the CMEA without taking control of them.(通过加入(而不是控制)'''华约组织'''和'''经互会''',改善与苏联的关系。)
| Restore relations with the USSR by entering the Warsaw Pact and the CMEA without taking control of them.(通过加入(而不是控制)'''华约组织'''和'''经互会''',改善与苏联的关系。)
| [[File:0c12d49882ac4e2304eded61ce08d3ccbc5d6a56.jpg]]
| [[File:0c12d49882ac4e2304eded61ce08d3ccbc5d6a56.jpg]]
| Revenge(复仇)
| Revenge(复仇)
| The Kuomintang won the election.(让国民党赢得选举)
| The Kuomintang won the election.(让国民党赢得选举)
| [[File:2ec5ff1a5bc7552200141a62904eeb2494a38cbe.jpg]]
| [[File:2ec5ff1a5bc7552200141a62904eeb2494a38cbe.jpg]]
| Brezhnevian well-being(勃列日涅夫没事!)
| Brezhnevian well-being(勃列日涅夫没事!)
| Well forgotten old(被忘得差不多的老事儿)
| Well forgotten old(被忘得差不多的老事儿)
| [[File:84a85e54378d73bb6b6230dd76d5c92d76de58fc.jpg]]
| [[File:84a85e54378d73bb6b6230dd76d5c92d76de58fc.jpg]]
| State of Great Joseon(大朝鲜国)
| State of Great Joseon(大朝鲜国)
| DPRK became a superpower with nuclear weapon(让北韩成为拥有核弹的超级大国)
| DPRK became a superpower with nuclear weapon(让北韩成为拥有核弹的超级大国)
| [[File:9a042f2afb5db0ca2fad235cd82883241ac2e851.jpg]]
| [[File:9a042f2afb5db0ca2fad235cd82883241ac2e851.jpg]]
| Towards the whole world(走向世界)
| Towards the whole world(走向世界)
| A basic contradiction between socialism and the market economy does not exist(社会主义与市场经济之间不存在基本矛盾)
| A basic contradiction between socialism and the market economy does not exist(社会主义与市场经济之间不存在基本矛盾)
| [[File:2216881a1f6b09c278b806498209339e636c88f9.jpg]]
| [[File:2216881a1f6b09c278b806498209339e636c88f9.jpg]]
| Real Perestroika(真正的改革)
| Real Perestroika(真正的改革)
| Allow Gorbachev to come to power in the USSR, then seize control of both blocs from him.(当戈尔巴乔夫上台时,从他的手中夺取对'''华约组织'''和'''经互会'''的控制权)
| Allow Gorbachev to come to power in the USSR, then seize control of both blocs from him.(当戈尔巴乔夫上台时,从他的手中夺取对'''华约组织'''和'''经互会'''的控制权)
| [[File:7f6855b3ea07fb9d4547ba1630921096f6495f6d.jpg]]
| [[File:7f6855b3ea07fb9d4547ba1630921096f6495f6d.jpg]]
| Stronghold of maoism(毛泽东思想大本营)
| Stronghold of maoism(毛泽东思想大本营)
| Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun(枪杆子里出政权)
| Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun(枪杆子里出政权)
| [[File:Eda78113524b2acee6a06c32f40d4084d9296c84.jpg]]
| [[File:Eda78113524b2acee6a06c32f40d4084d9296c84.jpg]]
| The issue is resolved(问题解决了)
| The issue is resolved(问题解决了)
| Peaceftull reunification of two Korea(南北朝鲜和平统一)
| Peaceftull reunification of two Korea(南北朝鲜和平统一)
| [[File:6c964f9d5989e56ed444945d7c5dd0a0834a0a3f.jpg]]
| [[File:6c964f9d5989e56ed444945d7c5dd0a0834a0a3f.jpg]]
| Asian democracy(亚洲民主)
| Asian democracy(亚洲民主)
| As long as we have Taiwan, the Communists can never win(只要我们还有台湾,共产主义者就绝赢不了)
| As long as we have Taiwan, the Communists can never win(只要我们还有台湾,共产主义者就绝赢不了)
| [[File:D96c713add3e3bd0090ed572659dede5b369403a.jpg]]
| [[File:D96c713add3e3bd0090ed572659dede5b369403a.jpg]]
| National Reunification(中国统一)
| National Reunification(中国统一)
| Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau, Arunachal Pradesh are part of China(新疆,西藏,香港,澳门,阿鲁纳恰尔邦(藏南)回到中国)
| Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau, Arunachal Pradesh are part of China(新疆,西藏,香港,澳门,阿鲁纳恰尔邦(藏南)回到中国)
| Pan-Arabism(泛阿拉伯主义)
| Pan-Arabism(泛阿拉伯主义)
| Create the Great UAR and defeat Israel.(建立强大阿拉伯联合共和国并且击败以色列)
| Create the Great UAR and defeat Israel.(建立强大阿拉伯联合共和国并且击败以色列)
| [[File:3efc3baf8202a21702548b275c7db19a7272d5a5.jpg]]
| [[File:3efc3baf8202a21702548b275c7db19a7272d5a5.jpg]]
| Eternal Flame(不灭之火)
| Eternal Flame(不灭之火)
| Maoists won in Afghanistan(毛主义者在阿富汗获得胜利!)
| Maoists won in Afghanistan(毛主义者在阿富汗获得胜利!)
| [[File:72edc0055b157e41195c17e4f52b41f3684a8d07.jpg]]
| [[File:72edc0055b157e41195c17e4f52b41f3684a8d07.jpg]]
| Bright future(光明的未来)
| Bright future(光明的未来)
| PRC and USSR are in the same alliances and both go to automation(中国和苏联在同一阵营,并且都完成自动化)
| PRC and USSR are in the same alliances and both go to automation(中国和苏联在同一阵营,并且都完成自动化)
| [[File:F70045fdef0aaa66c26d77f8b3e7e02481711a3b.jpg]]
| [[File:F70045fdef0aaa66c26d77f8b3e7e02481711a3b.jpg]]
| Tiger economy(猛虎经济)
| Tiger economy(猛虎经济)
| Get 70 in industry agriculture and service before 1980(在1980年之前,工业农业和服务业到达70)
| Get 70 in industry agriculture and service before 1980(在1980年之前,工业农业和服务业到达70)
| [[File:464d667f25c654ed78c83ed830dbea25fe3d4635.jpg]]
| [[File:464d667f25c654ed78c83ed830dbea25fe3d4635.jpg]]
| Wind will not cease even if trees want to rest.(树欲静而风不止)
| Wind will not cease even if trees want to rest.(树欲静而风不止)
| 8 members of all your alliances(让你的阵营里有八个成员国)
| 8 members of all your alliances(让你的阵营里有八个成员国)
| [[File:5883e8a716f351c5787144ed7ef80a09ed9b6031.jpg]]
| [[File:5883e8a716f351c5787144ed7ef80a09ed9b6031.jpg]]
| DPRK, but bigger(大号朝鲜)
| DPRK, but bigger(大号朝鲜)
| Thanks to our trust in people, we won everything(得民心者得天下)
| Thanks to our trust in people, we won everything(得民心者得天下)
| [[File:1105c4209ac6152d89f67acd4a7fa48e49114e05.jpg]]
| [[File:1105c4209ac6152d89f67acd4a7fa48e49114e05.jpg]]
| Fortunate Son(幸运之子)
| Fortunate Son(幸运之子)
| Cause all wars possible. China is fully militarized. Industry level 100.(引爆所有可能的战争,中国全面武装化,工业指标到达100)
| Cause all wars possible. China is fully militarized. Industry level 100.(引爆所有可能的战争,中国全面武装化,工业指标到达100)
| [[File:58855fe07b594c226bfd741fc78633f08eab45af.jpg]]
| [[File:58855fe07b594c226bfd741fc78633f08eab45af.jpg]]
第418行: 第468行:
| Are you sure you're not Trotskyists?(冰镐警告)
| Are you sure you're not Trotskyists?(冰镐警告)
| Have the maximum number of African countries in your sphere of influence.(扩大影响力,使我们的影响力在非洲有最大扩张力!)
| Have the maximum number of African countries in your sphere of influence.(扩大影响力,使我们的影响力在非洲有最大扩张力!)
| [[File:B2a5339ce4b1b4f7ae91ab6e776ebe384188d374.jpg]]
| [[File:B2a5339ce4b1b4f7ae91ab6e776ebe384188d374.jpg]]
| Bratstvo i jedinstvo(兄弟会与团结)
| Bratstvo i jedinstvo(兄弟会与团结)
| Save Yugoslavia!(把解体边缘上的南斯拉夫拉回来)
| Save Yugoslavia!(把解体边缘上的南斯拉夫拉回来)
| [[File:E8ece65908e7c0fbb5bd53f4d2703f4458bfcb20.jpg]]
| [[File:E8ece65908e7c0fbb5bd53f4d2703f4458bfcb20.jpg]]
| Hatta al-nasr, hatta al-nasr, hatta al-Quds(哈达·纳斯,哈达·纳斯,哈达·古德)
| Hatta al-nasr, hatta al-nasr, hatta al-Quds(哈达·纳斯,哈达·纳斯,哈达·古德)
| Iraq is pro-chinese(让伊拉克变成亲中国家)
| Iraq is pro-chinese(让伊拉克变成亲中国家)
| [[File:9f9671bcc35d103469ddded3212da3b3e2c86197.jpg]]
| [[File:9f9671bcc35d103469ddded3212da3b3e2c86197.jpg]]
| This is a movement on a vast scale.(这是场大规模运动)
| This is a movement on a vast scale.(这是场大规模运动)
| 14 members of all your alliances(让你的阵营里有14个成员国)
| 14 members of all your alliances(让你的阵营里有14个成员国)
| [[File:4e06b88ac6632dfbc90e0b4ef5cb93c6c37c8876.jpg]]
| [[File:4e06b88ac6632dfbc90e0b4ef5cb93c6c37c8876.jpg]]
| Unbreakable traditions(破不了的传统)
| Unbreakable traditions(破不了的传统)
| [[File:D4699b15df1721134e82f1a0724b998cd8dd671b.jpg]]
| [[File:D4699b15df1721134e82f1a0724b998cd8dd671b.jpg]]
第461行: 第521行:
| Yegor, you are wrong(毛子,你错了)
| Yegor, you are wrong(毛子,你错了)
| Try to be right (at least once)(尝试变为右翼至少一次)
| Try to be right (at least once)(尝试变为右翼至少一次)
| [[File:890e12d77a7bb5211a062786d56a4f4bbb40274d.jpg]]
| [[File:890e12d77a7bb5211a062786d56a4f4bbb40274d.jpg]]
第468行: 第530行:
| [[File:E8153899b693cb0f6c512ca60e117b208290006a.jpg]]
| [[File:E8153899b693cb0f6c512ca60e117b208290006a.jpg]]
第478行: 第541行:
| Your Unattainable Way(你做不到的事)
| Your Unattainable Way(你做不到的事)
| Implement automation, while having an embargo from the USSR and the US.(完成自动化,并且被苏联和美国同时禁运)
| Implement automation, while having an embargo from the USSR and the US.(完成自动化,并且被苏联和美国同时禁运)
|  [[File:7428c2614bcb62da1af55fc338eb05e1ab09ffd7.jpg]]
|  [[File:7428c2614bcb62da1af55fc338eb05e1ab09ffd7.jpg]]
| Korean crisis(朝鲜半岛危机)
| Korean crisis(朝鲜半岛危机)
| The only One(只有一个朝鲜)
| The only One(只有一个朝鲜)
| [[File:Ea136e941030f7b3833a9029878a836d37409a49.jpg]]
| [[File:Ea136e941030f7b3833a9029878a836d37409a49.jpg]]
| Hard to learn, easy to fight(学的难,斗的易)
| Hard to learn, easy to fight(学的难,斗的易)
| Complete the game on hard difficulty(在困难难度下完成游戏)
| Complete the game on hard difficulty(在困难难度下完成游戏)
| [[File:52e4653b22db91c40efaf4f2165f0ff67b3f57c9.jpg]]
| [[File:52e4653b22db91c40efaf4f2165f0ff67b3f57c9.jpg]]
| Let 100 Flowers Bloom...(百花齐放)
| Let 100 Flowers Bloom...(百花齐放)
| Our Leader and all ministers are liberals in the end of the game(在游戏结束时,所有中国领导层的人都是自由主义者)
| Our Leader and all ministers are liberals in the end of the game(在游戏结束时,所有中国领导层的人都是自由主义者)
| [[File:A88c406feaab27cc8ec990cb24f1eed6800f0764.jpg]]
| [[File:A88c406feaab27cc8ec990cb24f1eed6800f0764.jpg]]
第500行: 第571行:
| One country, two systems(一国两制)
| One country, two systems(一国两制)
| Taiwan is Chinese!(台湾也是中国!)
| Taiwan is Chinese!(台湾也是中国!)
| [[File:311994f27f87aa616ae377da11d8d8fa651612aa.jpg]]
| [[File:311994f27f87aa616ae377da11d8d8fa651612aa.jpg]]
| Unthinkable(不可思议)
| Unthinkable(不可思议)
第509行: 第583行:
| According to the Precepts of Wang Ming(王明路线)
| According to the Precepts of Wang Ming(王明路线)
| Give up Maoism in favor of Orthodox Marxism; a representative of the left-wing radicals is at the head of China. Good relations with the USSR.(放弃毛主义,转而走正统马克思主义,中国的领导人是左派激进者,并且与苏联的关系保持良好。)
| Give up Maoism in favor of Orthodox Marxism; a representative of the left-wing radicals is at the head of China. Good relations with the USSR.(放弃毛主义,转而走正统马克思主义,中国的领导人是左派激进者,并且与苏联的关系保持良好。)
第514行: 第589行:
| Eating with knife and fork(用刀叉吃饭)
| Eating with knife and fork(用刀叉吃饭)
| Hu Yaobang is your leader, liberalism, friendship with the US, standard of living more than 80.0(让胡耀邦成为领袖,奉行自由主义,与美国结交,生活水平超过80)
| Hu Yaobang is your leader, liberalism, friendship with the US, standard of living more than 80.0(让胡耀邦成为领袖,奉行自由主义,与美国结交,生活水平超过80)
第531行: 第607行:
| Like Albania, but bigger(大号阿尔巴尼亚)
| Like Albania, but bigger(大号阿尔巴尼亚)
| The state system is authoritarianism. Keep the embargo (from the Soviet Union and the United States) and lose the entire sphere of influence.(国家制度是专制主义。让苏联和美国保持对你的禁运,并失去所有的势力范围。)
| The state system is authoritarianism. Keep the embargo (from the Soviet Union and the United States) and lose the entire sphere of influence.(国家制度是专制主义。让苏联和美国保持对你的禁运,并失去所有的势力范围。)
| [[File:B702aed7299ddd571a20b8cbf0d089060daff1fc.jpg]]
| [[File:B702aed7299ddd571a20b8cbf0d089060daff1fc.jpg]]
| Mandate Lost(天命...不归你)
| Mandate Lost(天命...不归你)
| "Win" the game with a standard of living less than 10, less than 5 influence, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau, the coastal Islands, Arunachal Pradesh are not part of China, and a Liberalism.(生活水平低于10,国家影响力低于5,新疆、西藏、香港、澳门、沿海岛屿、阿鲁纳恰尔邦都不是中国的一部分并完成游戏)
| "Win" the game with a standard of living less than 10, less than 5 influence, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau, the coastal Islands, Arunachal Pradesh are not part of China, and a Liberalism.(生活水平低于10,国家影响力低于5,新疆、西藏、香港、澳门、沿海岛屿、阿鲁纳恰尔邦都不是中国的一部分并完成游戏)
| [[File:424ae241e8746d2e9596006c650535a4c212706d.jpg]]
| [[File:424ae241e8746d2e9596006c650535a4c212706d.jpg]]
| Ping-pong Diplomacy(乒乓外交)
| Ping-pong Diplomacy(乒乓外交)
| In a single game, get embargoed 11 times.(在一局游戏中,被禁运11次)
| In a single game, get embargoed 11 times.(在一局游戏中,被禁运11次)
| [[File:4bc67df327b4a155f840847595e37b62e4918305.jpg]]
| [[File:4bc67df327b4a155f840847595e37b62e4918305.jpg]]
| One hundred billion, and this is still not enough?(1000亿了,还不够吗?)
| One hundred billion, and this is still not enough?(1000亿了,还不够吗?)
| [[File:6541a687c2cbba6d5c0491e0b65ebc22aed58a0e.jpg]]
| [[File:6541a687c2cbba6d5c0491e0b65ebc22aed58a0e.jpg]]
| The Command Of The Great Helmsman(最高指示!)
| The Command Of The Great Helmsman(最高指示!)
| All members of the "Gang of four" must survive until the end of the game (None of them is are power).(四人帮的所有成员必须存活,且他们不能掌权)
| All members of the "Gang of four" must survive until the end of the game (None of them is are power).(四人帮的所有成员必须存活,且他们不能掌权)
| [[File:0b05af60ad1c35215d7875a2c1366d7112e18243.jpg]]
| [[File:0b05af60ad1c35215d7875a2c1366d7112e18243.jpg]]
第553行: 第640行:
| {{黑幕|遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不致死亡}}
| {{黑幕|遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不致死亡}}
