
添加543字节 、​ 2022年2月24日 (星期四)
第6行: 第6行:
== 怒斥记者 ==
== 怒斥记者 ==
=== 背景 ===
=== 背景 ===
2000年10月27日,香港女记者[[张宝华]]问及是否“钦点”[[董建华]]连任行政长官,面对张宝华不断的追问, 江泽民 表示这帮香港记者水平有限,并作出有关回应。<ref>新闻二台与翡翠台针对此段发言所配字幕稍有不同。例如,对于原话“[[闷声大发财]]”,新闻二台用的是“发大财”,而翡翠台用的是“大发财”;除此之外,很多口语细节都没有在字幕中反映出来。</ref>

=== 原文 ===
=== 原文 ===
==== 新聞二台版本 ====
==== 新聞二台版本 ====
*张宏艳:国家主席江泽民同总理朱镕基都表示支持行政长官董建华连任,不过江泽民被记者问到是否钦点董建华做下一任特首时,就显得很愤怒,话记者的问题无知<ref>{{cite web|url=https://archive.org/details/jiangzemin_hk_journalist_iCABLE|title=江泽民怒斥香港记者(有线新闻)|date=2021-07-19|website=archive.org}}</ref>...
第50行: 第51行:

==== 翡翠台版本<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGbhDVFxQw|date=2006-05-05|archivedate=2021-04-27|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGbhDVFxQw|title=江主席怒斥香港记者完全版|website=youtube.com}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://archive.org/details/jiangzemin_hk_journalist|date=2021-07-19|title=江主席怒斥香港记者完全版|publisher=TVB|website=archive.org|publisher= 互联网档案馆}}</ref> ====
==== 翡翠台版本 ====
*背景音乐<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGbhDVFxQw|date=2006-05-05|archivedate=2021-04-27|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGbhDVFxQw|title=江主席怒斥香港记者完全版|website=youtube.com}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://archive.org/details/jiangzemin_hk_journalist|date=2021-07-19|title=江主席怒斥香港记者完全版|website=archive.org|publisher=TVB}}</ref> 
*江泽民 :您们啊,naive!
*张宝华: 但是呢就是
*江泽民 :naive!
* 旁白 :{{ruby|国家主席江泽民|裹嘎举吸钢闸门<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhXdLIBVCMQ&t=17s|title= 【Rubao Remix】Emperor Xi-X.J.P|website=youtube.com|date=2019-06-15}}</ref>}}昨日在北京接见特首[[董建华]]的时候,一改平日幽默 风趣 的作风,激动地向在场记者讲了这番话。
*'''新 闻 透 视'''
*旁白: 国家领导人在传媒面前大发雷霆,八四年[[邓小平]]讲驻军问题时试过一次。
*李灿荣 :{{ruby|国家主席江泽民|裹嘎举吸钢闸门<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhXdLIBVCMQ&t=17s|title= 【辱包】庆丰话 X.J.P|website=youtube.com|date=2019-06-15|author= 乳透社·小反旗}}</ref><ref>[https://rumble.com/vutbsf-51756783.html 【辱包】庆丰话「鬼畜调教」]</ref>}}昨日在北京接见特首[[董建华]]的时候,一改平日 风趣 幽默的作风,激动地向在场记者讲了这番话。国家领导人在传媒面前大发雷霆,八四年[[邓小平]]讲驻军问题时试过一次。今次江泽民这样动气,是他挺董心切,抑或针对传媒呢?
*旁白: 今次江泽民这样动气,是他挺董心切,抑或针对传媒呢?
* 李灿荣 :会面一开始,气氛跟以往见面差不多。[[江泽民]]还跟记者有谈有笑。
* 旁白 :会面一开始,气氛跟以往见面差不多。[[江泽民]]还跟记者有谈有笑。
第67行: 第65行:
* 旁白 :香港记者趁会面前五分钟的拍摄机会,直接向江泽民不断提问。
* 李灿荣 :香港记者趁会面前五分钟的拍摄机会,直接向江泽民不断提问。
* 旁白 :不过,当记者一再追问有关“[[钦点]]”的问题,江泽民的态度开始有不同。
* 李灿荣 :不过,当记者一再追问有关“[[钦点]]”的问题,江泽民的态度开始有不同。
::你们啊,我感觉你们新闻界还要学习一个。你们非常熟悉西方的这一套理论,你们毕竟还[[图样图森破|too young]]。明白我的意思吧?我告诉你们,我是[[身经百战]]了,见得多啦!西方的哪一个国家我没去过?你们要知道,美国的[[华莱士]],那比你们不知要高到哪里去了,(双手竖大拇指)[[我和他谈笑风生]]。
::你们啊,我感觉你们新闻界还要学习一个。你们非常熟悉西方的这一套理论,你们毕竟还[[图样图森破|too young]]。明白我的意思吧?我告诉你们,我是[[身经百战]]了,见得多啦!西方的哪一个国家我没去过? 媒体他们... 你们要知道,美国的[[华莱士]],那比你们不知要高到哪里去了,(双手竖大拇指)[[我和他谈笑风生]]。
::所以说媒体呀还是要提高自己的[[知识水平]],[[识得唔识得啊]]?唉,我也替你们拙计啊,真的。你们[[有一个好]],全世界跑到什么地方,你们比其他的西方记者跑得还快。但是呢问来问的问题呀,都[[图样图森破|too simple,sometimes naive]]。识得唔识得呀?
::所以说媒体呀还是要提高自己的[[知识水平]],[[识得唔识得啊]]?唉,我也替你们拙计啊,真的。你们[[有一个好]],全世界跑到什么地方,你们比其他的西方记者跑得还快。但是呢问来问的问题呀,都[[图样图森破|too simple,sometimes naive]]。识得唔识得呀?
* 旁白 :江泽民说完坐下以后。
* 李灿荣 :江泽民说完坐下以后。
*江泽民:连任也要按照香港的法律啊,对不对?要按照香港的... 当然我们的[[ 决定权]] 也是很重要的。香港特别行政区是属于中华……人民共和国的中央人民政府 到那时候我们会表态的 。明白这意思吧?
*江泽民: 欸, 连任也要按照香港的法律啊,对不对? 要要…… 要按照香港的 …… 当然我们的决定权也是很重要的。香港 的特区…… 特别行政区是属于中华……人民共和国的中央人民政府 。蛤? 到那 时候我们会表态的
*江泽民:naive!I am angry!你们这样子是不行的。
*江泽民:naive!I am angry!你们这样子是不行的。
* 旁白 :董建华的任期进入第四年,连串改革并无为他带来令大部分香港人满意的政绩。连一向强调稳定的公务员团体亦都上街表达不满。
* 李灿荣 江泽民对记者的罕有举动,有学者说有弦外之音。
*李灿荣:[[ 董建华]] 的任期进入第四年,连串改革并无为他带来令大部分香港人满意的政绩。连一向强调稳定的公务员团体亦都上街表达不满。
* 旁白 :要求董建华下台的口号开始在示威中出现。民意调查结果显示,董建华声望跌倒低谷,亦令他卷入一场政治风波。董建华被指干预锺庭耀做民意调查,香港大学展开公开听讯。
* 李灿荣 :要求董建华下台的口号开始在示威中出现。民意调查结果显示,董建华声望跌倒低谷,亦令他卷入一场[[ 政治风波]] 。董建华被指干预锺庭耀做民意调查,香港大学展开公开听讯。
* 旁白 :听讯结果认为董建华特别助理路祥安是一个不诚实的证人。
* 李灿荣 :听讯结果认为董建华特别助理路祥安是一个不诚实的证人。
* 旁白 :路祥安事件再次引发港府高层跟特首意见不合的传言。到了九月底,政务司司长陈方安生突然访问北京,会面气氛原本很融洽,不过事后新华社报道,钱其琛要求陈方安生在内的政府公务员要更好地支持董建华。
* 李灿荣 :路祥安事件再次引发港府高层跟特首意见不合的传言。到了九月底,政务司司长陈方安生突然访问北京,会面气氛原本很融洽,不过事后新华社报道,钱其琛要求陈方安生在内的政府公务员要更好地支持董建华。
* 旁白 :到了前日董建华上京述职,跟副总理钱其琛见面时,钱其琛再次强调公务员应该支持董建华。而钱其琛总理更是第一次明确对董建华的连任表态。
* 李灿荣 :到了前日董建华上京述职,跟副总理钱其琛见面时,钱其琛再次强调公务员应该支持董建华。而钱其琛总理更是第一次明确对董建华的连任表态。
*记者:你支持董特首[[ 连任]] 吗?
* 旁白 :这番对答,被香港舆论广泛报道。并指中央有钦定下届特首之嫌。记者向江泽民连番追问,记协主席认为记者只是履行职责。
* 李灿荣 :这番对答,被香港舆论广泛报道。并指中央有钦定下届特首之嫌。[[张宝华| 记者]] 向江泽民连番追问,记协主席认为记者只是履行职责。
*麦燕庭(香港记者协会主席):在副总理钱其琛讲完那番说话后,社会上不少人都怀疑究竟中央政府是否有[[ 钦定]] 姿态,选举委员会还有没有用,这些疑问出来,作为新闻工作者,要求中央政府最高领导人澄清,我觉得是非常合理的。
* 旁白 :亦有意见认为,江泽民这样动气是日积月累的,因为觉得香港传媒无为大局着想,打乱了中央的部署。
* 李灿荣 :亦有意见认为,江泽民这样动气是日积月累的,因为觉得香港传媒无为大局着想,打乱了中央的部署。
* 旁白 :回归前,第一届行政长官选举前夕,江泽民跟董建华握手这个镜头,有人认为有祝福的意味。今年三月初董建华上京,列席全国人大会议的时候,记者曾经问过副总理钱其琛是否支持董建华连任,当时他并无回答。到了六月本港商界知名人士访京时,记者又问过国家主席江泽民同一问题,当时他亦无表态。今次江泽民和钱其琛一反过往谨慎作风,在董建华任期尚余一年半的时候,公开支持董建华连任,究竟有甚 含义?
* 李灿荣 :回归前,第一届行政长官选举前夕,江泽民跟董建华握手这个镜头,有人认为有祝福的意味。今年三月初董建华上京,列席全国人大会议的时候,记者曾经问过副总理钱其琛是否支持董建华连任,当时他并无回答。到了六月本港商界知名人士访京时,记者又问过国家主席江泽民同一问题,当时他亦无表态。今次江泽民和钱其琛一反过往谨慎作风,在董建华任期尚余一年半的时候,公开支持董建华连任,究竟有甚 含义?
* 旁白 :在中央领导人连番表态后倒董挺董的势力会不会令社会更加分化呢?
* 李灿荣 :在中央领导人连番表态后倒董挺董的势力会不会令社会更加分化呢?
* 旁白 :无论江泽民是一时激动,抑或真情流露也好,他今次在镜头前面的举动,会产生什么效应,还有待观察。
* 李灿荣 :无论江泽民是一时激动,抑或真情流露也好,他今次在镜头前面的举动,会产生什么效应,还有待观察。
* 旁白 :下一节我们会谈谈刚来到香港访问的希望工程代表团,看看我们跟进过的内地老师学生,今日的情况又是怎麽样。
* 李灿荣 :下一节我们会谈谈刚来到香港访问的希望工程代表团,看看我们跟进过的内地老师学生,今日的情况又是怎麽样。

第190行: 第189行:
* 2014年,阿迪达斯推出《I am a runner系列》广告,邀请张宝华为阿迪达斯跑鞋代言,而2000年江泽民恰好怒斥张宝华“跑得比西方记者都快”。
* 2014年,阿迪达斯推出《I am a runner系列》广告,邀请张宝华为阿迪达斯跑鞋代言,而2000年江泽民恰好怒斥张宝华“跑得比西方记者都快”。
* 2016年,张宝华在微博上捧着江泽民卡通像蛋糕合照,为江泽民九十岁大寿庆生。
* 2016年,张宝华在微博上捧着江泽民卡通像蛋糕合照,为江泽民九十岁大寿庆生。
* 为庆祝长者90大寿,新闻档案节目日前隆重推出1080p高清重续版《怒斥香港记者》精华片段,这说明翡翠台的档案工作做得太好了!<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT63V1TZv4c 怒斥记者高清版(要翻墙)]</ref><ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX8N2BqsAJ0 怒斥记者高清加长版(也要翻墙)]</ref><ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSRpqz-zucE 怒斥 者高清 加长 不掉 (还是要翻墙 ]</ref>
* 为庆祝长者90大寿,新闻档案节目日前隆重推出1080p高清重续版《怒斥香港记者》精华片段,这说明翡翠台的档案工作做得太好了!<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSRpqz-zucE|title=【TVB新聞檔案】江澤民 怒斥 香港記 高清不掉 版)|date=2016-12-24|website=youtube.com|publisher=TVB}}</ref>

== 重回二院 ==
== 重回二院 ==
第331行: 第330行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
|啊,主席先生。您在一把手位置上坐了得有十几年了吧。在当时被广泛认为是个过渡性的角色。大家都觉得您不会真正成为一把手,你只会花费几年时间 之力 这个国家,然后一些更加果断、更加强硬的人就会顶替您的位置。但是您击败了那些怀疑者,执掌政权至今。您觉得是什么原因使您被小看了呢?
|啊,主席先生。您在一把手位置上坐了得有十几年了吧。在当时被广泛认为是个过渡性的角色。大家都觉得您不会真正成为一把手,你只会花费几年时间 治理 这个国家,然后一些更加果断、更加强硬的人就会顶替您的位置。但是您击败了那些怀疑者,执掌政权至今。您觉得是什么原因使您被小看了呢?
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|Ah, you know Mr. President. You took over a little more than 10 years ago, right? Widely perceived to be a transitional figure. You were not going to be no.1, you were going to spend a few years, running the country, and then somebody more decisive and somebody stronger and therefore who's going to take you over. But you confounded the sceptics. You took charge and you still very much in charge. Why do you believe that perhaps you were underestimated?
|Ah, you know Mr. President. You took over a little more than 10 years ago, right? Widely perceived to be a transitional figure. You were not going to be no.1, you were going to spend a few years, running the country, and then somebody more decisive and somebody stronger and therefore who's going to take you over. But you confounded the sceptics. You took charge and you still very much in charge. Why do you believe that perhaps you were underestimated?
第436行: 第435行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|我也不是单单说你们单纯 针对中国,中国是一个有五千年历史文化的国家,而且我们有12亿多人口,中国已经通过这20多年的改革开放,有了相当的经济基础,所以恐怕你们还不太敢小看中国。
|我也不是单单说你们单纯 针对中国,中国是一个有五千年历史文化的国家,而且我们有12亿多人口,中国已经通过这20多年的改革开放,有了相当的经济基础,所以恐怕你们还不太敢小看中国。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''Well, I'm not talking about the United States' attitude towards China in particular. China is a country with 5,000 years of history, and also more than 1,200,000,000 people. We have accumulated a significant economic foundation over the past 20 years of the reform and opening-up. So I'm afraid the United States simply cannot afford to look down on China.'''''
|'''''Well, I'm not talking about the United States' attitude towards China in particular. China is a country with 5,000 years of history, and also more than 1,200,000,000 people. We have accumulated a significant economic foundation over the past 20 years of the reform and opening-up. So I'm afraid the United States simply cannot afford to look down on China.'''''
第511行: 第510行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
|没错,你们 一种发展中的独裁,我们是这么看的,难道我说错了吗?
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|Well, of course, a developmental dictatorship is what, is what we believe it is. Am I wrong?
|Well, of course, a developmental dictatorship is what, is what we believe it is. Am I wrong?
第556行: 第555行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|我想不管哪个国家哪个党派,都应该拥有它自己的新闻机构宣传它们的主张。正如我前面所说的,中国的政治制度 由中国共产党领导的多党合作制度。而且我们确实拥有新闻自由。我们所有的全国的各种电视台大概有两千多家,而且地方报纸有两千多种、我们的杂志有八千多种、我们每年也会出版超过十万多种新书。即使是毛泽东,他当年也主张过文艺工作要“百花齐放,百家争鸣”。
|我想不管哪个国家哪个党派,都应该拥有它自己的新闻机构宣传它们的主张。正如我前面所说的,中国的政治制度 由中国共产党领导的多党合作制度。而且我们确实拥有新闻自由。我们所有的全国的各种电视台大概有两千多家,而且地方报纸有两千多种、我们的杂志有八千多种、我们每年也会出版超过十万多种新书。即使是毛泽东,他当年也主张过文艺工作要“百花齐放,百家争鸣”。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''I think for every individual country or any individual party, they always have their own publications to promote their own ideology. As I explain to you, the Chinese system is multi-party system led by the Communist Party. And we do have the freedom of the press. We have over 2,000 TV stations in the country. We have more than 2,000 local newspapers and more than 8,000 magazines. We publish more than 100,000 new books each year. Even Mao tsetung advocated the policy of allowing "one hundred different flowers to bloom, and one hundred different sores of schools of thought" contend in the field of art literature.'''''
|'''''I think for every individual country or any individual party, they always have their own publications to promote their own ideology. As I explain to you, the Chinese system is multi-party system led by the Communist Party. And we do have the freedom of the press. We have over 2,000 TV stations in the country. We have more than 2,000 local newspapers and more than 8,000 magazines. We publish more than 100,000 new books each year. Even Mao tsetung advocated the policy of allowing "one hundred different flowers to bloom, and one hundred different sores of schools of thought" contend in the field of art literature.'''''
第586行: 第585行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|四年前我去过人民日报社参观这点你说的没错,但是好像我的原话并不一定是这样讲的。我只是说明这么一个问题,就是这么大一个国家,我们有12亿多人,新闻 对国家的导向确实是很重要的。你不能用美国的价值观来对中国的现状做评判,因为你们在经济、国民教育水平上高度发达,你更不能把美国模式强加于中国。不管中国媒体还是外国媒体,我都认为有一点很重要,那就是不能歪曲事实,即便他们自己 发表言论的自由。这对中国媒体很重要,特别是我们的《人民日报》,我们的老百姓非常重视。如果它把某一个事实报道错误了,人们会信以为真。我们不像你们那儿,你们想报道什么就报道什么,就算你们的报道出了什么错也无所谓,不会有很严重的后果。比方说,我现在正在北戴河这儿跟你交谈,但是我已经看到了一些外国报纸说我已经到了大连了。如果是真的话,那我现在怎么可能坐在这里跟你聊天?我再告诉你另一件事。几个月前,我看到一则消息说“江泽民访问厦门,突遭炸弹爆炸重伤送院”,但那时候我还在北京。
|四年前我去过人民日报社参观这点你说的没错,但是好像我的原话并不一定是这样讲的。我只是说明这么一个问题,就是这么大一个国家,我们有12亿多人,新闻对国家的导向确实是很重要的。你不能用美国的价值观来对中国的现状做评判,因为你们在经济、国民教育水平上高度发达,你更不能把美国模式强加于中国。不管中国媒体还是外国媒体,我都认为有一点很重要,那就是不能歪曲事实,即便他们自己 发表言论的自由。这对中国媒体很重要,特别是我们的《人民日报》,我们的老百姓非常重视。如果它把某一个事实报道错误了,人们会信以为真。我们不像你们那儿,你们想报道什么就报道什么,就算你们的报道出了什么错也无所谓,不会有很严重的后果。比方说,我现在正在北戴河这儿跟你交谈,但是我已经看到了一些外国报纸说我已经到了大连了。如果是真的话,那我现在怎么可能坐在这里跟你聊天?我再告诉你另一件事。几个月前,我看到一则消息说“江泽民访问厦门,突遭炸弹爆炸重伤送院”,但那时候我还在北京。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''You were right in saying that I did make a visit in people's daily back 4 years ago, but I'm afraid I never put things that way. So there may be a certain distortion about what I really said. What I want to explain to you is that we are such a big country with the population of over 1,200,000,000, that direction on media tries to lead our country toward is important. You cannot possibly try to use the American values to make judgements about China, because you are highly developed in you economy, and your level of education. You cannot possibly try to make China to same as the United States. I think for both Chinese media and the foreign media, one thing is very important. They should never distort the fact, though they are free to their on opinion. This is very important for the Chinese media, particularly the People's Daily, because it is the major newspaper for the Chinese people. If there's a mistake in the newspaper, people will believe what they read. The situation is different from yours, you can report ant any story anyway you want. Even if you make mistakes in your newspaper, it won't make serious consequences. For example, I'm here right now, talking to you, in Beidaihe. I've read some foreign papers that say I'm in Dalian right now. If there reports were ture, how could I possibly be sitting here talking to you?''''' And I will tell you another thing. '''''A few month ago, I read a piece of news from the Internet saying, that was Jiang Zemin was visiting the army in Xiamen, there was a very serious explosion, and Jiang Zemin was severely hurt in hospital rest, However, at that time, I was in Beijing.'''''
|'''''You were right in saying that I did make a visit in people's daily back 4 years ago, but I'm afraid I never put things that way. So there may be a certain distortion about what I really said. What I want to explain to you is that we are such a big country with the population of over 1,200,000,000, that direction on media tries to lead our country toward is important. You cannot possibly try to use the American values to make judgements about China, because you are highly developed in you economy, and your level of education. You cannot possibly try to make China to same as the United States. I think for both Chinese media and the foreign media, one thing is very important. They should never distort the fact, though they are free to their on opinion. This is very important for the Chinese media, particularly the People's Daily, because it is the major newspaper for the Chinese people. If there's a mistake in the newspaper, people will believe what they read. The situation is different from yours, you can report ant any story anyway you want. Even if you make mistakes in your newspaper, it won't make serious consequences. For example, I'm here right now, talking to you, in Beidaihe. I've read some foreign papers that say I'm in Dalian right now. If there reports were ture, how could I possibly be sitting here talking to you?''''' And I will tell you another thing. '''''A few month ago, I read a piece of news from the Internet saying, that was Jiang Zemin was visiting the army in Xiamen, there was a very serious explosion, and Jiang Zemin was severely hurt in hospital rest, However, at that time, I was in Beijing.'''''
第601行: 第600行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
|啊,我们只有2.5亿人口,只不过是中国的五分之一。我也努力理解您肩负着13亿人的民生大计,或者说世界上五分之一人的命脉,那很不得了。您,您难道从来没有私下对自己说过,说,江泽民,我统治 者站 地球总人口五分之一,这么大一个国家。
|啊,我们只有2.5亿人口,只不过是中国的五分之一。我也努力理解您肩负着13亿人的民生大计,或者说世界上五分之一人的命脉,那很不得了。您,您难道从来没有私下对自己说过,说,江泽民,我统治 着占 地球总人口五分之一,这么大一个国家。
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|Well, we are a quarter of billion, only about one-fifth the population of China. And I want to get to the business about you're running the lives of 1,300,000,000 people, one out of every five people on earth. That's astonished. Do you, do you never say to yourself at home,  you'll say Jiang Zemin, I, I am the chief of one out of every five people on earth.
|Well, we are a quarter of billion, only about one-fifth the population of China. And I want to get to the business about you're running the lives of 1,300,000,000 people, one out of every five people on earth. That's astonished. Do you, do you never say to yourself at home,  you'll say Jiang Zemin, I, I am the chief of one out of every five people on earth.
第611行: 第610行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| 谈话一开始,在你们中国人习惯称作“房间”的地方,邓小平对您讲过,“我希望你成为下一任领导班子的核心,我希望你成为大当家”,您当时只是很谦卑谨慎地说:“我觉得如履薄冰”,很明显您并不是在害怕,但您当时肯定已经有所准备,是在考虑自己是否做好了挑起这副担子的准备?
| 谈话一开始,在你们中国人习惯称作“房间”的地方,邓小平对您讲过,“我希望你成为下一任领导班子的核心,我希望你成为大当家”,您当时只是很谦卑谨慎地说:“我觉得如履薄冰”,很明显您并不是在害怕,但您当时肯定已经有所准备,是在考虑自己是否做好了挑起这副担子的准备?
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|At the very beginning of your, room if you want to call it they way, here in China, when Deng Xiaoping said to you, "I want you to be at the core, I want you to be the man who leads". You are quotative heavily said, "I feel as low I am on thin ice", not that you were afraid, but surly you must have ready, you were ready, you were ready to take on your responsibility.
|At the very beginning of your, room if you want to call it they way, here in China, when Deng Xiaoping said to you, "I want you to be at the core, I want you to be the man who leads". You are quotative heavily said, "I feel as low I am on thin ice", not that you were afraid, but surly you must have ready, you were ready, you were ready to take on your responsibility.
第621行: 第620行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
|那是自然,不过,不过……您从来没在中国军队 服过兵役吧?说对了。那可是您重要的职责之一,您是国家军委主席。
|那是自然,不过,不过……您从来没在中国军队 服过兵役吧?说对了。那可是您重要的职责之一,您是国家军委主席。
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|Of course, but, but, you've never served in the army forces of China, right? Correct. One of the most important parts of your job, you are the chairman of the state commission of military, right?
|Of course, but, but, you've never served in the army forces of China, right? Correct. One of the most important parts of your job, you are the chairman of the state commission of military, right?
第706行: 第705行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|我最初参加学生运动实在中国抗日战争期间,而在二战结束后,我们又开始反抗国民党政权,这是因为在那之前,这个国家根本没有自由民主可言。但自从中华人民共和国成立以来,我们就一直在为努力推动国家的民主化而奋斗。即便是在我所说的1989年的动乱期间,我们仍然能够理解学生呼吁更加民主与自由的爱国热情。而事实上,我们 知道 今天也在不懈地为推动我们的民主体制而努力工作。但关键在于,我们是绝无可能容许那些别有用心的人利用学生运动来颠覆政府的。
|我最初参加学生运动实在中国抗日战争期间,而在二战结束后,我们又开始反抗国民党政权,这是因为在那之前,这个国家根本没有自由民主可言。但自从中华人民共和国成立以来,我们就一直在为努力推动国家的民主化而奋斗。即便是在我所说的1989年的动乱期间,我们仍然能够理解学生呼吁更加民主与自由的爱国热情。而事实上,我们 直到 今天也在不懈地为推动我们的民主体制而努力工作。但关键在于,我们是绝无可能容许那些别有用心的人利用学生运动来颠覆政府的。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''I first joined the student movement against the Japanese military in China. And after World War II, we were against the Nationalist regime. Because back then, there was no freedom and democracy in the country. But ever sincr the People's Republic of China was founded, we've always been working to further promote the democracy in our country. Even in the 1989 disturbance as I told you before, we could understand the passions of students who are calling for greater democracy and freedom. And we in fact, have always been working constantly up to today to improve our system of democracy. And the crux of the matter was that we could not possibly allow those people with ulterior motives to use student movement to overthrow the government.'''''
|'''''I first joined the student movement against the Japanese military in China. And after World War II, we were against the Nationalist regime. Because back then, there was no freedom and democracy in the country. But ever sincr the People's Republic of China was founded, we've always been working to further promote the democracy in our country. Even in the 1989 disturbance as I told you before, we could understand the passions of students who are calling for greater democracy and freedom. And we in fact, have always been working constantly up to today to improve our system of democracy. And the crux of the matter was that we could not possibly allow those people with ulterior motives to use student movement to overthrow the government.'''''
第781行: 第780行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
|听着。你们迫害了基督徒,这众所周知。你们又迫害了法轮功。很难,很难理解为什么 中国这样的大国会因为信仰去迫害自己的人民。
|听着。你们迫害了基督徒,这众所周知。你们又迫害了法轮功。很难,很难理解为什么 中国这样的大国会因为信仰去迫害自己的人民。
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|Look, you have persecuted Christians. It's well known. You have persecuted Falun Gong. It's difficult, it is difficult to understand why a big power like China would want to persecute people because of their religion.
|Look, you have persecuted Christians. It's well known. You have persecuted Falun Gong. It's difficult, it is difficult to understand why a big power like China would want to persecute people because of their religion.
第846行: 第845行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|他不来呢?他访问中国,和中国的科学家交流是件很正常的事情,就和一些中国科学家出国公干没有区别。嘛,我这并不是在为李文和辩护,他自己可以为自己辩护。不过请允许我引用一句中国的谚语,“欲加之罪,何患无辞”。我们不清楚这背后的政治意图是什么。我可以给你举个例子, 几句为王 的科学家,爱因斯坦,他创立了相对论。
|他不来呢?他访问中国,和中国的科学家交流是件很正常的事情,就和一些中国科学家出国公干没有区别。嘛,我这并不是在为李文和辩护,他自己可以为自己辩护。不过请允许我引用一句中国的谚语,“欲加之罪,何患无辞”。我们不清楚这背后的政治意图是什么。我可以给你举个例子, 极具威望 的科学家,爱因斯坦,他创立了相对论。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|If he not? '''''This is just natural for him to come and visit us and to talk with the Chinese scientists. Just as normal as some Chinese scientists to also travel abroad. Well, I'm by no means trying to defend Wen Ho Lee, he can defend himself. However, allow me quote a Chinese proverb which says that "if you are out to condemn someone, you can always trump up a charge". We don't know what political motives are behind it.''''' I'll tell you an example. The very famous scientist, Einstein. He invented the theory of Relativity.
|If he not? '''''This is just natural for him to come and visit us and to talk with the Chinese scientists. Just as normal as some Chinese scientists to also travel abroad. Well, I'm by no means trying to defend Wen Ho Lee, he can defend himself. However, allow me quote a Chinese proverb which says that "if you are out to condemn someone, you can always trump up a charge". We don't know what political motives are behind it.''''' I'll tell you an example. The very famous scientist, Einstein. He invented the theory of Relativity.
第986行: 第985行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|我想我已经就李文和一案把我想说的话都说了。我希望美国在处理这一类 安检 的时候不要带有种族主义的色彩,而是要遵从亚伯拉罕林肯所提倡的众生平等原则。
|我想我已经就李文和一案把我想说的话都说了。我希望美国在处理这一类 案件 的时候不要带有种族主义的色彩,而是要遵从亚伯拉罕林肯所提倡的众生平等原则。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''I think I've already said everything I want to say about the Wen Ho Lee Case. I hope the United States will not have any racial discrimination in handling such cases, in that instead it will follow the principal that'' all men are created equal, ''as advocated by Abraham Lincoln.'''''
|'''''I think I've already said everything I want to say about the Wen Ho Lee Case. I hope the United States will not have any racial discrimination in handling such cases, in that instead it will follow the principal that'' all men are created equal, ''as advocated by Abraham Lincoln.'''''
第1,196行: 第1,195行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|所有的国务院的领导和所有部长,他们的提名都需要人民代表大会通过的,日常事务由国务院负责。共产党内权力最高的是全国代表大会,代表大会选出中央委员会,中央委员会选出政治局。政治局有常委会,我是其中的一名常委。我们政治局常委每个星期都要开会,完全是在 放民主的气氛当中,如果没有全体成员的通过,我做不出任何决定。
|所有的国务院的领导和所有部长,他们的提名都需要人民代表大会通过的,日常事务由国务院负责。共产党内权力最高的是全国代表大会,代表大会选出中央委员会,中央委员会选出政治局。政治局有常委会,我是其中的一名常委。我们政治局常委每个星期都要开会,完全是在 放民主的气氛当中,如果没有全体成员的通过,我做不出任何决定。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''All the ministers, their nomination are approved by the National People's Congress, and also the leadership of the State Council. So the State Council looks after the day-to-day business of the country. The supreme power of the Communist Party lies with the National People's Congress. And the National Congress chooses the Central Committee, and the Central Committee has a Politburo. The Politburo has a Standing Committee of which I am a member. So every week the Standing Committee members have a meeting. And the meeting is held in an open, democratic atmosphere, when one member of the Standing Committee has objection, I'll not make a decision.'''''
|'''''All the ministers, their nomination are approved by the National People's Congress, and also the leadership of the State Council. So the State Council looks after the day-to-day business of the country. The supreme power of the Communist Party lies with the National People's Congress. And the National Congress chooses the Central Committee, and the Central Committee has a Politburo. The Politburo has a Standing Committee of which I am a member. So every week the Standing Committee members have a meeting. And the meeting is held in an open, democratic atmosphere, when one member of the Standing Committee has objection, I'll not make a decision.'''''
第1,231行: 第1,230行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 华莱士:
| align="right" | 华莱士:
|看来您是不想再回答这个问题了,这我能理解。不过我并不是在说那辆坦克,我是在谈论那个人的内心,那个孤单的年轻人,和他的勇气。那个年轻人孑然一人站在……以前在上海,你也是一名抗议学生。我想江泽民您,如果能回到之前他们那个年纪的话,应该也会去做同样的事情。那大 是您加入共产党之前的事情了吧。这才是我问这个问题的目的。
|看来您是不想再回答这个问题了,这我能理解。不过我并不是在说那辆坦克,我是在谈论那个人的内心,那个孤单的年轻人,和他的勇气。那个年轻人孑然一人站在……以前在上海,你也是一名抗议学生。我想江泽民您,如果能回到之前他们那个年纪的话,应该也会去做同样的事情。那大 是您加入共产党之前的事情了吧。这才是我问这个问题的目的。
| align="right" | W:
| align="right" | W:
|I'm not going to get answered, I understand. But I'm not talking about the tank, I'm talking that man's heart, that man's courage. That man, that lonely man, standing against that… You were a student protestor, like a Shanghainese. I can see that perhaps you, Jiang Zemin, would have done the same thing at that time before, that was before you joined the Communist Party. That's, that's what I'm asking.
|I'm not going to get answered, I understand. But I'm not talking about the tank, I'm talking that man's heart, that man's courage. That man, that lonely man, standing against that… You were a student protestor, like a Shanghainese. I can see that perhaps you, Jiang Zemin, would have done the same thing at that time before, that was before you joined the Communist Party. That's, that's what I'm asking.
第1,286行: 第1,285行:
|- valign="top"
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 江泽民:
| align="right" | 江泽民:
|就是你们克林顿讲过,事件发生过后,在电话中已经好多次对我表达他的歉意。但是我告诉他:当时,贝尔格莱德的使馆被炸以后,我们12亿人奋起怒吼。我告诉你们的总统,虽然我们人口这么多,但是我们人的生命、每个人的生命还是非常宝贵的,有3个人牺牲了,我还对他讲, 几百年 你们有合理的解释,想要凭此来引导12亿多民众怒吼的情绪引导到一个理智的轨道上去也不是一件容易的事。既然你代表美国人民,而我代表中国人民,那我们在这个问题上是无法取得完全共识的。
|就是你们克林顿讲过,事件发生过后,在电话中已经好多次对我表达他的歉意。但是我告诉他:当时,贝尔格莱德的使馆被炸以后,我们12亿人奋起怒吼。我告诉你们的总统,虽然我们人口这么多,但是我们人的生命、每个人的生命还是非常宝贵的,有3个人牺牲了,我还对他讲, 即便 你们有合理的解释,想要凭此来引导12亿多民众怒吼的情绪引导到一个理智的轨道上去也不是一件容易的事。既然你代表美国人民,而我代表中国人民,那我们在这个问题上是无法取得完全共识的。
| align="right" | J:
| align="right" | J:
|'''''After the incident took place, President Clinton call me on the telephone several times explaining his apology to me. And I said to him that after the bombing in Belgrade of the Chinese embassy, the 1,200,000,000 Chinese people, they all stood up in an angry raw against the incident. And I said to the president, to your president, though we have a very large population, we still highly cherish each and every Chinese life, which we believe, is all too, too precious. We lost 3 lives in that bombing. And I said to him, it's not easy to guide the feelings of 1,200,000,000 angry people towards sensibility in good reason. And since you represent Americans, just as I represent Chinese, it would be impossible for us to reach total agreement on this issue.'''''
|'''''After the incident took place, President Clinton call me on the telephone several times explaining his apology to me. And I said to him that after the bombing in Belgrade of the Chinese embassy, the 1,200,000,000 Chinese people, they all stood up in an angry raw against the incident. And I said to the president, to your president, though we have a very large population, we still highly cherish each and every Chinese life, which we believe, is all too, too precious. We lost 3 lives in that bombing. And I said to him, it's not easy to guide the feelings of 1,200,000,000 angry people towards sensibility in good reason. And since you represent Americans, just as I represent Chinese, it would be impossible for us to reach total agreement on this issue.'''''
第1,340行: 第1,339行:
|I want to promote mutual understanding between our two peoples.
|I want to promote mutual understanding between our two peoples.

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